Adriana Nicolau: Reinventing Interior Design with Spanish Style


Adriana Nicolau, born in Spain, has shown a genuine interest in aesthetic design from an early age. With a degree in Interior Design, she stood out in the market for her ability to combine classic and modern elements in a harmonious way. Her talent for creating environments that reflect her clients’ personalities and lifestyles has put her at the forefront of Spanish design.

For Adriana, each project should tell a unique story, where every piece and detail has a purpose. Her designs are characterized by a balanced color palette, the intelligent use of textures and the incorporation of natural elements.

Besides being a designer, Adriana is a storyteller through the spaces she creates. The designer’s ability to understand her clients’ needs and desires and transform them into functional and aesthetically pleasing environments is what distinguishes her. Her commitment to sustainability and the conscious use of resources make her an inspirational figure in the world of interior design.

O&G Madrid

An apartment in the heart of Madrid, Nicolau showed her talent by combining vintage elements with modern touches. The use of modern furniture with luxurious touches and the integration of the owner’s works of art create a welcoming and vibrant space, while the white-painted walls give it a more contemporary feel and reflect urban life with a touch of serenity.

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