Akira Nakai: The man who became known for cutting up Porsches

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Akira Nakai is the name behind a global phenomenon in the world of tuning: Rauh-Welt Begriff, better known as RWB. Based in a small workshop in Chiba, Japan, Nakai has been building unique and striking interpretations of the classic Porsche 911 for years.

Unlike traditional tuners, Nakai doesn’t follow ready-made formulas. He travels the world to create customized RWB Porsches, catering to each owner and bringing their particular vision to life. His style is bold and aggressive, characterized by eye-catching widebody aerodynamic kits, exaggerated spoilers and vibrant colors.

Beyond aesthetics

Despite their radical appearance, the RWBs aren’t just for show. Nakai also prioritizes performance, making adjustments to the suspension and engine to ensure that his Porsches are thrilling to drive. For Nakai, each RWB has a “soul”, a combination of the original car’s legacy with the owner’s personality and unique touch.

Artisanal Process and Worldwide Recognition

The process of creating an RWB is almost artisanal. Nakai works with a lean team, often using simple tools and relying heavily on his trained eye.  This dedication and distinctive performance have earned RWB worldwide fame. Nakai’s Porsches are fought over by collectors and enthusiasts, appear in specialized magazines and have even inspired miniature models and video games.

Akira Nakai and RWB prove that automotive customization can be art. By combining influences from the Japanese car modification culture with the legendary Porsche heritage, Nakai creates machines that are visually impressive, fun to drive and true objects of desire.

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