Top 5 Best Sustainable Hotels to Visit in December

Contrary to what many people think, anything that is “ecological” or “sustainable” is not a low budget. The travel industry was the closest to a sustainable future, but now hotel developers look at the costs of sustainable luxury property as an investment. With the pandemic prohibitions and consequently the decrease in travel, the impact they […]

6 luxury trends in 2021

Every year they bring a new list of trends, but this year, more than in all others, we all hope for news of what our new normal will be like. The crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our lives and forced us to think about new ways of working, learning and living well. […]

Jeans that satisfy lifestyle needs in the 21st century

In partnership with designer Joe Doucet, the luxury 3×1 jeans brand created a transformed pair of jeans to satisfy the new needs of 21st century life. Doucet clarifies that the classic 5-pocket jeans that everyone knows and loves to wear is a 19th century coat that was designed for workers. He also mentions that, instead […]