Top 5 Best Hotels to Visit in Greece in February

Greece, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality, beckons travelers year-round. Even in February, the country’s allure remains undiminished, offering visitors a chance to explore its treasures in a more tranquil setting. For those seeking luxury accommodations during their winter getaway, here are the top five hotels in Greece that promise an unforgettable […]

Top 5 of the best hotels to visit in Glasgow in January

Glasgow is a city that has been badly misinterpreted in the past, nowadays it is one of the most eclectic and entrepreneurial European cities. It has established itself as an impressive destination for travelers, as it offers architectural diversity, varied culinary offerings and a world-class music scene. Strolling through the streets of the city you […]

Top 5 Best Sustainable Hotels to Visit in December

Contrary to what many people think, anything that is “ecological” or “sustainable” is not a low budget. The travel industry was the closest to a sustainable future, but now hotel developers look at the costs of sustainable luxury property as an investment. With the pandemic prohibitions and consequently the decrease in travel, the impact they […]